UML class diagram

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UML Class diagrams are one kind of official diagram types of the Unified modeling language (UML)


Class diagrams are made with quite a complex "language". They describe what interacts between classes.

  • Classes are represented with boxes
  • Represented by: a rectangle with one, two or three "fields": classname, properties and operations
  • A relationship between instances of the two classes
  • Represented by: a solid line, or if directional with an arrow directed from the source class to the target class.
  • A part-of relationship
  • Represented by: a solid line, with an emtpy lozange at aggregation end and arror at member end
  • Example: a learning object is part of an environment
  • A is-a relationship
  • Represented by: A solid line with a triangular arrow from specialized class to class
  • Example: Learner is a role
  • Like aggregation but you can add more constraints.
  • An instance of a class can be potentially a component of several classes, but can only be owned by one.
  • Represented by: a solid line, with an filled lozange at aggregation end and arror at member end
  • of an association end is the number of possible instances of the class associated with a single instance of the other end.
  • Represented on both ends by the following syntax

The notation n . . m indicates n to m instances.

0..1 zero or one instance.
0..*  or  * no limit on the number of instances (including none).
1 exactly one instance
1..* at least one instance
  • There is more (sorry)...


IMS Learning Design

Here is the official UML Diagram that summarizes the IMS Learning Design] educational modeling language:

UML diagram of IMS Learning Design

Here is an annotated version:

UML diagram of IMS Learning Design annotated with UML relationships


  • IMS Learning Design Information Model, Version 1.0 Final Specification, HTML, retrieved 16:09, 5 June 2007 (MEST).