Property:Has research question

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 3 pages using this property.
The bubbles you see in this project are sometimes complete  +, and round  +, but often not. There are a great many bubbles that look like they have burst or faded away - or been disrupted by other bubbles. You can help us in this area by identifying bursting or distorted bubbles and figuring out the angle at which they burst or the eccentricity of their shape. This information will allow us to reconstruct bubbles to see how it evolved and grew. Maybe the bubble ran out of material  +,
According to the [ Science] page  +, (retrieved oct. 14 2013)  +, the dataset generated by this project will allow us to address interesting questions  +,
The idea is that if a gene is involved in a visible behaviour  +, then mutations that break that gene might lead to detectable behavioural changes. The type of change gives us a hint about what the affected gene might be doing. Although it is small and has far fewer cells than we do  +, C. elegans has almost as many genes and because we share a common ancestor even with worms  +,