CSS box model tutorial

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Learning goals
  • Understand the CSS box model
  • Be able to style all parts of a CSS box
Moving on
Level and target population
  • Beginners
Teaching materials
  • This tutorial is intended for students in educational technology or any other field that is technology intensive. For people who need less, there exist many easy CSS tutorials on the web. This text is intended for students who also must learn principles and who are willing to learn CSS by doing a project, looking at CSS code and online reference manuals.
  • Ideally, a teacher also should assign a text formatting task, during or before assigning this tutorial for reading).
  • There are some inline examples. However, they had to be created in a away that makes them fit into a wiki page. I.e. we use inline style (something we usually don't advocate) and we also had to add extra properties.


All HTML elements (whether they are blocks, inline elements, list elements, etc) are a kind of box that adds margins, borders and padding to the actual content.

CSS Box model. Source: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/ Copyright: Click on the picture

From this model we can define total height an width of an HTML element.

Total height
= top margin + top border width + top padding + content height + bottom padding + bottom border width + bottom margin
Total width
= left margin + left border width + left padding + content width + right padding + right border width + right margin

Normally, an element doesn't have any width, i.e. it is set to auto. This means for example, that a longer paragraph will grower wider when the user enlargens the window. An element may have no borders, margins, or padding. In that case its dimensions are indirectly defined by its content, i.e its "auto" width or width (if set). However, by default, many HTML already include some padding and some margins. E.g. there is some space before and after and HTML h1 heading.

Setting border properties

Borders are usually invisible. You can style each of the four borders or all four together.

Setting the border style

By default borders are invisible. You can set the style for each border. Allowed values are:

  • none - default
  • hidden
  • dotted
  • dashed
  • solid
  • double - double line
  • groove
  • ridge
  • inset
  • outset

Example CSS code defining four borders:

div.example {
 border-top-style: solid;
 border-right-style: dashed;
 border-bottom-style: dashed;
 border-left-style; dotted;

There is a shortcut property for defining all four borders at once.

div.example2 {
 border-style: solid dashed dashed double;

Below is an HTML+CSS example that includes two embedded div's. We also used the width and margin properties in order to have a nicer rendering of the boxes.

<div style="border-style: solid dashed double dotted; width:70%">
Inside the first div.
<div style="border-style: groove ridge inset outset; margin:0.5cm">
Inside the second div.

It will look like this:

Inside the first div.

Inside the second div.

Setting the border width

Each of the four borders can have a width defined with any length value (such a px, pt, cm) but no percentages.

Example CSS code:

div.example {
 border-top-width: 2px;
 border-right-width: 1px;
 border-bottom-width: 1px;
 border-left-width; 1px

Example CSS code:

div.example2 {
 border-width: 1px;

All in one border setting

The border property allows to define all four sides with a single instruction, i.e. style, width and color:


 border: 1px solid red;

Box margins

Margins define the distance of a box with respect to other boxes, including the page itself.

Setting the border margins

There exist four simple CSS2 properties: margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left and their meaning should be self-explaining.


p {
 margin-top: 1x;
 margin-right: 1em;
 margin-bottom: 1x;
 margin-left: 1em;

Below is an HTML example using inline CSS:

<div style = "border: dotted black 1px;">
<p style = "margin-top: 1x;  margin-right: 1em;  
             margin-bottom: 1x;  margin-left: 1em;
             border: solid black 1px;">
Paragraph inside a div with extra margins.
<p style = "border: solid black 1px;">Normal paragraph</p>

The result should look like this:

Paragraph inside a div with extra margins.

Normal paragraph

The shorthand notation allows to set all four borders in a clockwise order: top, right, bottom, left. You also can use just one value (all borders) two values (top+bottom right+left), or three values (top right+left bottom)


 margin: 1x 1em 2x 1em;  /* top right bottom left */
 margin: 1x 1em; /* top+bottom left+right */
 margin: 1x 1em; 2x;
 margin: 2cm; /* all */

Collapsing margins

Margins will collapse. In the a situation where:

  • Box A has 1cm bottom margin
  • Box B has 2cm top margin
  • B sits underneath A

The distance between the two box will be 2 cm (and not 3cm), i.e. the highest concerned margin will win.

Analyzing the box structure and other tips

Using browser-based web development tools

There exist several tools for analyzing a box structure

Using code

One way of understanding a box structure is to simply display the boxes.

Chris Coyier in, The CSS Box Model ( retrieved 18:57, 7 November 2011 (CET)) shows the simple trick you need in order to display the borders.

At the end of your CSS, add:

 * {
   border: 1px solid red !important;

How it works: The "!important" keyword will override other border specifications and therefore all borders will show in red.

Of course you can change the color and the line thickness.

Compatibility issues

(1) Watch out for quirks mode - or why you must include an HTML declaration

Make sure to include a valid HTML declaration in your HTML file. Read the HTML and XHTML elements tutorial or the HTML article if you don't know how.

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

If you don't include such a declaration, then browsers will fall into quirks mode and may add some padding and border to the width...

Default padding and margins still may differ

If you produce text-centric text as explained in the CSS text styling tutorial, you shouldn't care at all. If you plan to create pixel-precise web pages (something I never do) then you should care.

Some developers reset everything:

* {

.... and then restyle both block and inline elements.

I'd rather just reset some elements, e.g.

 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, form, ul, dl, ol, blockquote, li {

But resetting some elements isn't so easy, e.g. for lists

ul {
  padding-left:1em; margin-left:0;

Finally, there also exist browser bugs, in particular in older IE version, but we will not address these problems here for the moment...

Links and references


  • Basic CSS Box Model Demo. Actually it's a useful visualization that decomposes a flat "picture" into a faux 3D representation.


  • CSS basic box model, W3C Working Draft 9 August 2007. This is a draft module of the (future) CSS3 specification and not yet stable.