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Week 8 COAP 2100

  • Wrapping up lecture (instructor will present some high-lights from each module) and Q/R
  • Each student shortly presents her/his term project (5 min. total, no presentation materials required !!). Tell its purpose, present the site and discuss interesting points (e.g. difficulties).
  • Last minute Q/R and final hw Q/R
  • Course evaluation
  • Final exam

There will be a quiz like the midterm quiz (+/- 10 minutes / question). If you aim for a good grade, come prepared, i.e. you must understand principles beforehand and be able to find information quickly. The exam is open Internet, books, notes.

  • Same topics as midterm (but less of that), plus:
  • Javascript DHTML and Forms (as in classroom and homework). Specifically:
    • be able to change or to repair an if-then-else form
    • be able to use JS code that makes changes to a text. In particular, be able to insert HTML class and id attributes.
  • Simple PHP Forms processing (as in classroom and homework), in particulr:
    • adding and computing radio-button results, i.e. be able to add input elements to HTML or change the if-then-else form in the PHP.
  • XML (to be confirmed)
    • Understand the difference between well-formed and valid XML
    • Understand where XML is being used and (roughly) for what purposes
    • Be able to spot simple well-formedness errors, e.g. missing quotes or crossed tags
    • Simple use of the "p" tag in timed text
    • Simple reuse of SVG code within an HTML5 page