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See [[Flash CS3 video component tutorial]] for the moment ....
{{Flash tutorial|CS6, (CS4, CS5)|beginner|}}
== Introduction ==
Video components are prebuilt interface elements (widgets) that will speed up video integration. In particular, the '''FLVPlayBack Video Component''' allows to render videos without any ActionScript programming. It includes a nice choice of skins for user controls. Videos also can be enhanced with captioning or they may interact with the rest of the animation. Some of these techniques require some more technical skills, e.g. knowledge of [[XML]] and some ActionScript.
<div class="tut_goals">
; Learning goals:
: Learn how to encode *.flv and (older) *.flv files
: Learn how to use the Flash 9 (CS3) video component for simple video playback
;Prerequisites for the first part
:[[Flash CS6 desktop tutorial]]
:[[Flash drawing tutorial]]
:[[Flash component button tutorial]]
:[[Timed Text]] (only for captions).
:[[Flash button tutorial]]  
:[[Flash motion tweening tutorial]], [[Flash shape tweening tutorial]], [[Flash special effects tutorial]]
:[[Flash embedded movie clip tutorial]]
;Moving on
: The [[Flash]] article has a list of other tutorials.
: This text should technical people get going and may not be good enough for self-learning beginners. It can be used as handout in a "hands-on" class. That is what [[User:Daniel K. Schneider|Daniel K. Schneider]] made it for...
: It both aims at beginners (FLV encoding, using the video playback component and embedding a video in the timeline) and intermediate Flash designers (inserting captions and using cue points to trigger animations).
== Making use of captions ==
A '''caption''' is a text that is displayed dynamically while the video is playing. Captions may serve several purposes:
* You can deploy videos to people with hearing disabilities
* Users can look at videos without making noise
* You can emphasize important passages, or paraphrase or comment voice tracks.
In order for captions to work, you must do three things:
* Use a skin for the playback component that includes a Caption button, e.g. ''SkinUnderAllNoFullscreen.swf''.
* Make use of the '''FLVPlayback Captioning''' component (in addition to the playback component)
* Encode captions in an XML file (there are at least two options). This XML file then must be registered with the captioning component.
To import the video, use the same procedure as in [[#Using_the_FLVPlayback_component|Using the FLVPlayback component]]
=== The caption component with timed text ===
; The Timed Text standard and XML
If you are not familiar with XML, you may have a glance at the [[XML]] article and maybe the [[DTD tutorial]]. Then, we also suggest to work with an [[XML editor]] in order to insure that your file is well formed. We suggest the free [http://www.freexmleditor.com/ Exchanger XML Lite].
If you don't feel learning XML, just make very sure that you exactly use a template as described below. One missing tag or or some syntax mistake like a missing ">" will make your animation fail.
Flash doesn't support the full [[Timed Text]] specification and the documentation at Adobe is rather shaky. For those who are familiar with XML I wrote a little DTD that helps editing. Just grab it from the [[Timed Text]] article and also copy/paste the XML template.
Note: Timed Text is defined with a complex [[XML Schema]] but since Adobe Flash only implements a subset, it's not worth using this.
; Figuring out time for captions
In order to write this XML file you must know what caption to insert at which time and for how long. For CS3 and CS4 you need to play the movie with an external video player. The CS4 Adobe Media player does show time and maybe other *.flv video players too.
* Get [http://get.adobe.com/amp/ Adobe Media Player]. It is free.
* Under Ubuntu, the Totem player works well.
In CS5, there is '''no need for an external video player''', you can preview the video in the authoring tool or alternatively write down times in the Media Encoder tool
In CS3, if you want high precision, you also can load the *.flv file into the timeline (see below) and then play it with ''View->Bandwidth Profiler'' on. Write down the frame number for captions and then divide by the frame rate. Hit:
* '.' to stop and then to go forward one frame,
* ',' to go back one frame,
* 'Enter' to start playing again.
; A minimal example XML captioning file
As a minimum we suggest to enter the following data. For each caption enter:
* A '''''<nowiki><p> </p></nowiki>''''' tag. Each "p" should include:
* a '''''begin''''' attribute that defines when the caption should appear,
* a '''''dur''''' attribute that defines how long it will stay on screen.
Time is in seconds, but also may use a more complex format like
meaning 2 minutes, 30 seconds and a half.
Here is the file we called timed-text.xml and that we used in this example
<source lang="actionscript">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
  <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="1" dur="4">Daniel´s Office</p>
      <p begin="5" dur="5">My Palm Tree (from NYC)</p>
      <p begin="11" dur="7">My Bookshelf</p>
      <p begin="18" dur="5">My favorite Flash Drawing Book</p>
      <p begin="25" dur="5">My DELL XPS Laptop Flash machine</p>
      <p begin="30" dur="5">My Ubuntu Linux workstation</p>
      <p begin="33" dur="5">Working hard on Flash Tutorials using the Xemacs Editor</p>
      <p begin="42" dur="5">The outside (not my bike)</p>
Note: Captions may overlap, i.e. Flash will display a new caption on a new line if the previous one is still on. You can see this in the example we present in the next section.
For now, just grab the template below and add "p" tags, make sure to close them as in the example above. Replace "Let's start" by your own caption of course.
<source lang="actionscript">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
  <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="1" dur="4">Let´s start</p>
; Using the FLVPlayback Captioning component
* Create a new layer and call it "Caption" or something like that. Go there.
* Then drag the "FLVPlayback Captioning component" somewhere to the workspace or even to the stage.
* Unlike the playback component, this component will not be seen by the end user, so you can place it anywhere.
; Customization of the component
: Click on the component and edit the parameters, either in the Parameters or the Component Inspector panel (CS3 only). Then,
: set ''showCaptions'' to true if you want all users to see captions (probably most users don't know how to turn it on or off, so turn it on)
: specify the ''source'' file of the Timed Text XML file to download. So, create the xml file now, if you didn't so far. Make sure to get the spelling right.
[[image:flash-cs3-video-captions.png|thumb|600px|none|The FLVPlayback Captioning component and its parameters]]
; The example
*[http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption.html flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption.html]
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption.fla flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption.fla]
* XML file: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/timed-text.xml timed-text.xml]
* Directory: http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
; Tuning
* You can style text and background of the Caption Box (see below)
* Put down the volume: Set it to 0.5 in the parameters of the FLVPlayer or even lower. I am fed up listening to my own voice, really.
=== CaptionsBox and Style ===
As explained in Tom Greens' [http://www.digital-web.com/articles/captions_flash_video/ Captions for Video with Flash CS] tutorial, you can use a different text box to display the captions.
; Step 1 - Draw a textbox for the captions to appear
* Create a captions layer if you don't already have one
* Draw a textbox
** Give it the instance name '''caption_box'''
** Select font size, color etc.
** Select Multiline
** Make it Dynamic Text (if it is not)
; Step 2 - Configure the component
Tell the captioning component to use the textbox you just made to display captions:
* Open the parameter or inspector panel for the FLVPlayback Captioning component
* Set captionTarget = caption_box
* Set autoLayout = false
; Step 3 - Add some style to the XML File
Just look at this example (file timed-text2.xml). I don't really understand how some styling tags work. I'd expect for instance to behave backgroundColor within a span like in HTML but it doesn't. I don't know this behavior is a feature or a bug or my misunderstanding of the manual.
If something is not clear, please download the [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption2.fla *.fla] file and look at it. Make sure to verify that both the playback and the captioning component parameters are ok and that you put all the files in your computer or the server (including the skin *.swf, the *.flv and the *.xml file) in the same directory. Do not forget to copy the skin !
<source lang="actionscript">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tt SYSTEM "mini-tt.dtd">
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
      <style id="title" tts:backgroundColor="transparent" tts:color="red" tts:fontSize="24"/>
  <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="0" dur="9" style="title">Daniel´s Office</p>
      <p begin="5" dur="4">My Palm Tree (from NYC)</p>
      <p begin="10" dur="13" style="title">Books ....</p>
      <p begin="11" dur="7">My Bookshelf</p>
      <p begin="18" dur="5">My favorite Flash Drawing <span tts:color="red">Book</span></p>
      <p begin="24" dur="16" style="title">Computers ....</p>
      <p begin="25" dur="5">My DELL XPS Laptop Flash machine</p>
      <p begin="30" dur="5">My
        <span tts:backgroundColor="yellow" tts:color="black">
        Ubuntu Linux workstation</span>
      <p begin="35" dur="5">
        <span tts:backgroundColor="transparent"></span>
        Working hard on Flash Tutorials using the Xemacs Editor
      <p begin="40" dur="4">The outside (not my bike)</p>
; The result
*[http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption2.html flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption2.html]
* Source: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption2.fla flash-cs3-video-simple-server-caption2.fla]
* XML file: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/timed-text2.xml timed-text2.xml]
* Directory: http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
=== Adding captions with Cue Points ===
There is an alternative method. Read [http://www.digital-web.com/articles/captions_flash_video_2/ Captions for Video with Flash CS3 (Part Two)], by Tom Green, Digital Web Magazine, June
== Importing a video to the timeline ==
Now we will look at a very different way of using videos. Instead of using the playback component we will include the video into the timeline (each video frame will be a timeline frame).
This will allow us to create videos augmented with animations in an easy way.
=== Embed into timeline version ===
If you embed a video into the timeline, then you don't get the ready-made video control as above. Only embed video in the timeline if you plan to add animations the simple way and if the video file is really small. Also you shouldn't care about smaller synchronization problems with the audio track.
Embedded video will make your timeline really long, although you can choose to have it its own timeline. Anyhow, in this example we took the "hundreds of frames" timeline option.
We will insert the video in frame #2. We also will add a play button that will jump to frame 2 and play the video.
; Step 1 - FLV files
* Create one
; Step 2 - Import the video as embed
* Create a new layer and call it "video"
* Insert a new empty keyframe in frame 2 (since we don't want the video play on load in this case).
* Go there
* Menu ''File->Import->Import Video''
* In the video deployment dialog, choose "Embed video in SWF and play in timeline".
[[image:flash-cs3-video-deployement-dialog.png|thumb|600px|none|Deployment dialog]]
; Step 3 - Add some simple controls
* You need at '''least''' a play button, but adding some extra buttons that will allow a user to jump to given frames also may be handy.
* We just used the button component described in the [[Flash components tutorial]].
In our example we added three buttons:
* The "play button" will move the playhead in frame 2 where the video starts.
* The "Go to Book Scene" button will move it to frame 230 something.
* The "Credits" button will go to the very end.
The ActionScript code:
<source lang="actionscript">
/* This will stop Flash from playing all the frames
  User must stay in Frame 1 */
/* Associate a handler function for each button instance */
btn_credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_book.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
/* Instead of writing a function for each button, we just create one.
  In order to understand which button was clicked, we ask from the event
  the label of the button(event.currentTarget.label).
  Then we gotoAndStop(x) to Frame 374 for Credits
  Or we can play the movie that sits in frame 2
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
switch (event.currentTarget.label)
case "Credits" :
case "PLAY" :
case "Go to Book Scene" :
/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */
btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);
function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
catch (e:Error)
trace("Error occurred!");
The "embed in timeline option" is probably only useful if you plan to play around with fine grained frame-by-frame jumping around or if you plan to add animations that synchronize with the video as described in the next example. Otherwise it is better to use a external video with the video playback component as described above.
; Results
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-embedd.html flash-cs3-video-simple-embedd.html]
* Source: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-simple-embedd.fla flash-cs3-video-simple-embedd.fla]
* Directory: http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
Note: I noticed that when you import more than once a movie, file size will grow a lot ! Probably a side-effect of the undo mechanism. So '''do not do this''. If you notice this problem, save the file with "save as". The new version will be ok. (Maybe there is another solution to trim down file size).
=== Enhanced video embedding into timeline ===
Embedding video into the timeline makes sense (IMHO) if you are looking for an easy way to synchronize other animations with the video. This technique requires no more additional ActionScript knowledge than you need for simple animation and navigation. However, embedded videos will make the *.fla and the resulting *.swf really huge.
[[image:flash-cs3-embedded-video-plus-animation.jpg|thumb|600px|none|Embedded video with some animations]]
In this example, we add various animations (e.g. two motion tweens and a shape tween) to the project. Below you can see that books are tumbling out of a bookshelf while the video shows a "real" bookshelf.
Below is the action script code to implement a simple play button, plus two other ones that are not really necessary, i.e. a "credits" and a "goto ..." button. All the rest is just simple [[Flash animation summary| Flash animation]].
<source lang="actionscript">
/* This will stop Flash from playing all the frames
  User must stay in Frame 1 */
/* Associate a handler function for each button instance */
btn_credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
/* Instead of writing a function for each button, we just create one.
  In order to understand which button was clicked, we ask from the event
  the label of the button(event.currentTarget.label).
  Then we gotoAndStop(x) to Frame 572 for Credits
  Or we can play the movie that sits in frame 2
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
switch (event.currentTarget.label)
case "Credits" :
case "PLAY" :
/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */
btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);
function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
catch (e:Error)
trace("Error occurred!");
; Results
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-timeline-embedd.html flash-cs3-video-timeline-embedd.html]
* Source: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-timeline-embedd.fla flash-cs3-video-timeline-embedd.fla]
* Directory: http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
== Using cue points for navigation and to trigger animations ==
Working with cue points is another way to have your video interact with other animation. It's a more difficult solution than using timeline videos, but more elegant.
=== Jumping to cue points ===
Code for jumping to cue points is fairly easy if you know how to use buttons or button components.
* Insert a video playback component like above
* Give it an instance name like ''video''
* Then copy paste the code below (or do something similar)
As a bonus I added some invisible trees that will become visible when the user jumps to the cue point.
* I imported a SVG drawing and called it ''trees''.
To adapt this code to your needs: Change "XPS" to the name of your cue point. Remove the lines with trees if you don't want this ...
<source lang="actionscript">
btn_laptop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jumpLapTop);
function jumpLapTop(event:MouseEvent):void {
video.seekToNavCuePoint ("XPS");
trees.visible = true;
trees.visible = false;
Without trees:
<source lang="actionscript">
btn_laptop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jumpLapTop);
function jumpLapTop(event:MouseEvent):void { video.seekToNavCuePoint ("YOUR_CUEPOINT"); }
; Example
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-goto-cues.html flash-cs3-video-goto-cues.html]
* Source: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-goto-cues.fla flash-cs3-video-goto-cues.fla]
* Directory http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
'''Important notice''':
* This code only works with ''navigation'' cue points and you can insert with the Flash video/media encoder. If you use ActionScript cue points (inserted with the component inspector or in a script), then use the following line of code:
video.seekToNavCuePoint ("XPS");
Basically, you first have to search for a cue point by name, then extracts its time, and then give the time to the ''seek'' method. Even then, result is not guaranteed. It may work on your local computer, but not in your navigator's flash player - [[User:Daniel K. Schneider|Daniel K. Schneider]] 13:13, 21 April 2010 (UTC).
=== Handling events from the movie ===
Implementing animation that is triggered by the video's encounter of cue points was a bit harder since [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000565.html documentation] wasn't so easy to find.
The following code will display a trace of all your cue points in the Flash CS3 output window.
To make it work:
* Insert a video component on the stage and add a *.flv source (as explained before)
* Give it an instance name. I called it '''video_component'''.  If give your component an other name you will have to change the ActionScript code below.
<source lang="actionscript">
// You must import this class (even when you just script the timeline !!)
import fl.video.MetadataEvent;
video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener);
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void {
        trace("Elapsed time in seconds: " + video_component.playheadTime);
        trace("Cue point name is: " + eventObject.info.name);
        trace("Cue point type is: " + eventObject.info.type);
When you play the *.flv video you can see these kinds of messages in the output window:
<source lang="actionscript">
Elapsed time in seconds: 7.485
Cue point name is: palm_tree
Cue point type is: event
Elapsed time in seconds: 9.888
Cue point name is: books
Cue point type is: navigation
Elapsed time in seconds: 20.52
Cue point name is: missing_manual
Cue point type is: event
Elapsed time in seconds: 26.188
Cue point name is: XPS
Cue point type is: navigation
Elapsed time in seconds: 31.674
Cue point name is: ubuntu
Cue point type is: event
Now let's put this information to use and rewrite the code. Since this is near the end of this tutorial we shall make it slightly more complicated. But the resulting animation is still quite ugly. I am just teaching some Flash and I do not have time for decent artwork or even good design. ''Students'' should aim at both :)
Let's create some Flash movie clips:
* Hit CTRL-F8 (menu ''Insert->New Symbol'') and select "movie clip"
* Then, double click on the new library item to get into symbol edit mode. Create any animation you like. Make sure that you are aware at which level you edit, i.e. make sure to return to the scene when you are done !!
* Alternatively, you also may import simple Flash animations you made before as movie clips.
Once you got one or more of these animations:
* Create an instance of each on the stage and give it an instance name, e.g.
* Then in the AS code you may want to ''stop()'' each movie clip instance and also make some of them invisible, e.g.:
* Before stopping a video instance, you should make sure that it was playing to avoid script errors. To do that you should check if the instance of your video is null or not, e.g :
If(movie_books !=null) {
Every time you call a property of an object by using the . you should check if there is a possibility that your object is null.
At the heart of cue point events management is an event handler that is registered, i.e. we use exactly the same principle as for user interaction with buttons ([[Flash button tutorial]]).
The cuepoint_listener function includes a switch statement that deals with each event it receives.
* For most of these events we play some movie clip. If the movie clip was hidden, make it visible too, e.g.
* Also we have to stop previous movies or even make them invisible again (as you like)
If you want music textures, you can for example import a sound file into the library and then export it for action script (Right-click on it). Make sure you remember its class name. Else you can dynamically import sound from external files as shown in the [[Flash drag and drop tutorial]].
So here is the complete code you can find in the *.fla file of this example:
<source lang="actionscript">
import fl.video.MetadataEvent;
// Stop all the animations of the various movie clips
// Make the bookshelf invisible
// This is a sound of the class music
// Was defined by exporting the music file in the library
var music:Music = new Music();
var volume = new SoundTransform(0.2, 0);
// Add a cuepoint for the end and which is not in the flv movie
video_component.addASCuePoint(40, "End");
video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepoint_listener);
function cuepoint_listener(obj:MetadataEvent):void {
switch (obj.info.name)
case "palm_tree" :
case "books" :
case "missing_manual" :
case "XPS" :
var song = music.play(0,3,volume);
case "ubuntu" :
case "End" :
// song.stop();
/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */
btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);
function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
catch (e:Error)
trace("Error occurred!");
; Example
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-cue-events.html flash-cs3-video-cue-events.html]
* Source: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-cue-events.fla flash-cs3-video-cue-events.fla]
* Directory: http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/
=== Cue points work-through example ===
'''Adapt the following example''':
Look at this first: [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-cue-events-exercise.html flash-cs3-video-cue-events-exercise.html]
* [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/flash-cs3-video-cue-events-exercise.fla flash-cs3-video-cue-events.fla]
* Optional (else you can run the example as is): [http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/flash/ex/component-video-intro/office-dks3.flv office-dks3.flv]
Make this your own cue-points enhanced component video. Prerequisites:
* [[Flash component button tutorial]]
* [[Flash embedded movie clip tutorial]]
* (Optional) [[ActionScript 3 interactive objects tutorial]]
Below is a copy of the AS3 code you should modify. It sits in the Script layer.
<source lang="actionscript">
import fl.video.MetadataEvent;
/* Instructions:
1. Add a *.flv video to the video component (edit with component inspector)
2. Use a viewer to analyse the video and write down at least 3 moments
  you want to declare as cuepoints. You need a name and seconds
3. Fix the code below:
  a. Add cue points below or in the component inspector
  b. stop all your animations, make them invisible if you like
  c. Add "if clauses" in cuepoint_listener
  d. Edit the jump1 function
// 3.a. Add a cuepoint with ActionScript, else use the component inspector
video_component.addASCuePoint(10.5, "wonder");
// 3.b. Stop all the animations of the various movie clips
// 1. Add more animations here and kill the example anim
// 2. Your embedded clips must have an instance name in the Flash Scene
// copy/paste the two following lines, i.e. add anim2 etc. and adapt
// Optional: Add sound from a sound file in the library.
// Was defined by exporting the music file in the library to AS3
var guitar_music = new Guitarmusic();
var volume=new SoundTransform(0.2,0);
// 3.c Add more if clauses to the cuepoint_listener function
video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepoint_listener);
function cuepoint_listener(event) {
// get the event name
var event_name = event.info.name;
// the next three lines will just print out information to the console
// you later can remove these if you want
trace("Elapsed time in seconds: " + video_component.playheadTime);
trace("Cue point name is: " + event_name);
trace("Cue point type is: " + event.info.type);
// deal with the cue events
if (event_name == "wonder") {
anim1.play();  // should be stopped at some point ....
/* remove this start comment line
if (event_name == "something") {
remove this end comment line */
// 3.d - Adapt to your cuepoint
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jump1);
function jump1(event) {
// next line only works if you created cue points
// of type navigation with the video encoder
// video_component.seekToNavCuePoint("wonder");
video_component.seek (video_component.findCuePoint("wonder","actionscript").time);
== Links ==
=== Manual entries ===
; For Designers CS3
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000552.html Using the FLVPlayback Component]
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000266.html Using the FLVPlayback Captioning Component] (Flash CS3 Documentation).
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000565.html Listening for cue point events] - '''Read this! Including the comment''' Using the FLVPlayback Component]
; For Designers CS5
* [http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/components/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9c65b32-7fe9.html Using the FLVPlayback Component]
* [http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/components/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9c65b32-7fec.html Using the FLVPlayback Captioning Component]
Below some more technical links which so far are not really used much in this tutorial.
; ActionScript overview documentation for programmers
Note: (URLs seem to be unstable if they don't work go to [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?href=Part1_Programming_AS3_1.html Programming ActionScript 3.0]
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000251.html Working with video] (Flash CS3 documentation / Programming AS 3.0)
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000266.html Using cue points]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000260.html Writing callback methods for onCuePoint and onMetaData]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000261.html Set the NetStream object's client property to an Object]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000263.html Extend the NetStream class and add methods to handle the callback methods]
; ActionScript documentation for programmers
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/video/package-detail.html video package-detail.html]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/video/MetadataEvent.html MetadataEvent.html]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/video/FLVPlayback.html FLVPlayback Component]. The class for the flvplayback vido component.
::[http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/fl/video/FLVPlayback.html AS3 FLVPLayback documentation]
::[http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/fl/video/VideoPlayer.html VideoPlayer.html]. The FLVPlayback class wraps the VideoPlayer class.
: [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/net/NetStream.html NetStream.html]. This one has the onCuePoint Event.
; Timed Text (TT)
* [http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/ Timed-Text], W3C Specification
* [http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/00000611.html Timed Text Tags] (List of supported tabs, Adobe)
=== Tutorials ===
; For designers
* [http://www.digital-web.com/articles/captions_flash_video/ Captions for Video with Flash CS3] by Tom Green, Digital Web Magazine, June 2007
* [http://www.digital-web.com/articles/captions_flash_video_2/ Captions for Video with Flash CS3 (Part Two)], by Tom Green, Digital Web Magazine, June2007.
; For programmers
* [http://www.flepstudio.org/forum/tutorials/427-cue-points-flash-cs3.html Cue points and Flash CS3], by Flep, Jul 2007.
=== Artwork ===
All Artwork ([[clipart]]) is from:
* http://www.openclipart.org/ (sorry I didn't write down names of individual creators). These are [[SVG]] files in the public domain I imported via Illustrator (I really can't understand why Flash doesn't support SVG in some ways...)
Sound (except voice track on videos) is from:
* http://simplythebest.net/sounds/MP3/MP3_sounds.html
* I made them myself
* You may download videos from the Internet (make sure that copyright allows you to do so). Getting videos from sites like YouTube is not easy, you either have to download a program or use a specialized web site for this (watch out for viruses and porn): Search for "download youtube". You also may dig in your computer's temporary files.
* To download from youtube, I use this Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006
* http://video.google.com/ Some videos on google are free to use. They come in various formats. Use [http://video.google.com/videoadvancedsearch advanced search] in order to restrict search to duration, particular formats, etc. Then, underneath the video, click on the link '''watch this video on '''video.google.com'''. Else you won't be able to download it. Finally to download, click on "Download video -iPod/PSP.
* http://vids.myspace.com/ Needs special tools to download
* http://youtube.com/ Needs special tools to download
[[Category: Flash]]
[[Category:Flash tutorials]]
[[Category: Digital video]]
[[fr:Flash CS4 - Composants videos]]
=== External Flash Video Component Sources ===
* [http://flowplayer.org Flowplayer]
* [http://www.longtailvideo.com JW Video Player]
* [http://www.hdwebplayer.com Flash Video Player]

Revision as of 15:24, 17 February 2013


Video components are prebuilt interface elements (widgets) that will speed up video integration. In particular, the FLVPlayBack Video Component allows to render videos without any ActionScript programming. It includes a nice choice of skins for user controls. Videos also can be enhanced with captioning or they may interact with the rest of the animation. Some of these techniques require some more technical skills, e.g. knowledge of XML and some ActionScript.

Learning goals
Learn how to encode *.flv and (older) *.flv files
Learn how to use the Flash 9 (CS3) video component for simple video playback
Prerequisites for the first part
Flash CS6 desktop tutorial
Flash drawing tutorial
Flash component button tutorial
Timed Text (only for captions).
Flash button tutorial
Flash motion tweening tutorial, Flash shape tweening tutorial, Flash special effects tutorial
Flash embedded movie clip tutorial
Moving on
The Flash article has a list of other tutorials.
This text should technical people get going and may not be good enough for self-learning beginners. It can be used as handout in a "hands-on" class. That is what Daniel K. Schneider made it for...
It both aims at beginners (FLV encoding, using the video playback component and embedding a video in the timeline) and intermediate Flash designers (inserting captions and using cue points to trigger animations).

Making use of captions

A caption is a text that is displayed dynamically while the video is playing. Captions may serve several purposes:

  • You can deploy videos to people with hearing disabilities
  • Users can look at videos without making noise
  • You can emphasize important passages, or paraphrase or comment voice tracks.

In order for captions to work, you must do three things:

  • Use a skin for the playback component that includes a Caption button, e.g. SkinUnderAllNoFullscreen.swf.
  • Make use of the FLVPlayback Captioning component (in addition to the playback component)
  • Encode captions in an XML file (there are at least two options). This XML file then must be registered with the captioning component.

To import the video, use the same procedure as in Using the FLVPlayback component

The caption component with timed text

The Timed Text standard and XML

If you are not familiar with XML, you may have a glance at the XML article and maybe the DTD tutorial. Then, we also suggest to work with an XML editor in order to insure that your file is well formed. We suggest the free Exchanger XML Lite. If you don't feel learning XML, just make very sure that you exactly use a template as described below. One missing tag or or some syntax mistake like a missing ">" will make your animation fail.

Flash doesn't support the full Timed Text specification and the documentation at Adobe is rather shaky. For those who are familiar with XML I wrote a little DTD that helps editing. Just grab it from the Timed Text article and also copy/paste the XML template.

Note: Timed Text is defined with a complex XML Schema but since Adobe Flash only implements a subset, it's not worth using this.

Figuring out time for captions

In order to write this XML file you must know what caption to insert at which time and for how long. For CS3 and CS4 you need to play the movie with an external video player. The CS4 Adobe Media player does show time and maybe other *.flv video players too.

In CS5, there is no need for an external video player, you can preview the video in the authoring tool or alternatively write down times in the Media Encoder tool

In CS3, if you want high precision, you also can load the *.flv file into the timeline (see below) and then play it with View->Bandwidth Profiler on. Write down the frame number for captions and then divide by the frame rate. Hit:

  • '.' to stop and then to go forward one frame,
  • ',' to go back one frame,
  • 'Enter' to start playing again.
A minimal example XML captioning file

As a minimum we suggest to enter the following data. For each caption enter:

  • A <p> </p> tag. Each "p" should include:
  • a begin attribute that defines when the caption should appear,
  • a dur attribute that defines how long it will stay on screen.

Time is in seconds, but also may use a more complex format like


meaning 2 minutes, 30 seconds and a half.

Here is the file we called timed-text.xml and that we used in this example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
   <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="1" dur="4">Daniel´s Office</p>
      <p begin="5" dur="5">My Palm Tree (from NYC)</p>
      <p begin="11" dur="7">My Bookshelf</p>
      <p begin="18" dur="5">My favorite Flash Drawing Book</p>
      <p begin="25" dur="5">My DELL XPS Laptop Flash machine</p>
      <p begin="30" dur="5">My Ubuntu Linux workstation</p>
      <p begin="33" dur="5">Working hard on Flash Tutorials using the Xemacs Editor</p>
      <p begin="42" dur="5">The outside (not my bike)</p>

Note: Captions may overlap, i.e. Flash will display a new caption on a new line if the previous one is still on. You can see this in the example we present in the next section.

For now, just grab the template below and add "p" tags, make sure to close them as in the example above. Replace "Let's start" by your own caption of course.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
   <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="1" dur="4">Let´s start</p>

Using the FLVPlayback Captioning component
  • Create a new layer and call it "Caption" or something like that. Go there.
  • Then drag the "FLVPlayback Captioning component" somewhere to the workspace or even to the stage.
  • Unlike the playback component, this component will not be seen by the end user, so you can place it anywhere.
Customization of the component
Click on the component and edit the parameters, either in the Parameters or the Component Inspector panel (CS3 only). Then,
set showCaptions to true if you want all users to see captions (probably most users don't know how to turn it on or off, so turn it on)
specify the source file of the Timed Text XML file to download. So, create the xml file now, if you didn't so far. Make sure to get the spelling right.
The FLVPlayback Captioning component and its parameters
The example
  • You can style text and background of the Caption Box (see below)
  • Put down the volume: Set it to 0.5 in the parameters of the FLVPlayer or even lower. I am fed up listening to my own voice, really.

CaptionsBox and Style

As explained in Tom Greens' Captions for Video with Flash CS tutorial, you can use a different text box to display the captions.

Step 1 - Draw a textbox for the captions to appear
  • Create a captions layer if you don't already have one
  • Draw a textbox
    • Give it the instance name caption_box
    • Select font size, color etc.
    • Select Multiline
    • Make it Dynamic Text (if it is not)
Step 2 - Configure the component

Tell the captioning component to use the textbox you just made to display captions:

  • Open the parameter or inspector panel for the FLVPlayback Captioning component
  • Set captionTarget = caption_box
  • Set autoLayout = false
Step 3 - Add some style to the XML File

Just look at this example (file timed-text2.xml). I don't really understand how some styling tags work. I'd expect for instance to behave backgroundColor within a span like in HTML but it doesn't. I don't know this behavior is a feature or a bug or my misunderstanding of the manual.

If something is not clear, please download the *.fla file and look at it. Make sure to verify that both the playback and the captioning component parameters are ok and that you put all the files in your computer or the server (including the skin *.swf, the *.flv and the *.xml file) in the same directory. Do not forget to copy the skin !

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tt SYSTEM "mini-tt.dtd">
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/04/ttaf1"
      <style id="title" tts:backgroundColor="transparent" tts:color="red" tts:fontSize="24"/>
   <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="0" dur="9" style="title">Daniel´s Office</p>
      <p begin="5" dur="4">My Palm Tree (from NYC)</p>
      <p begin="10" dur="13" style="title">Books ....</p>
      <p begin="11" dur="7">My Bookshelf</p>
      <p begin="18" dur="5">My favorite Flash Drawing <span tts:color="red">Book</span></p>
      <p begin="24" dur="16" style="title">Computers ....</p>
      <p begin="25" dur="5">My DELL XPS Laptop Flash machine</p>
      <p begin="30" dur="5">My 
        <span tts:backgroundColor="yellow" tts:color="black">
        Ubuntu Linux workstation</span>
      <p begin="35" dur="5">
        <span tts:backgroundColor="transparent"></span>
        Working hard on Flash Tutorials using the Xemacs Editor
      <p begin="40" dur="4">The outside (not my bike)</p>
The result

Adding captions with Cue Points

There is an alternative method. Read Captions for Video with Flash CS3 (Part Two), by Tom Green, Digital Web Magazine, June

Importing a video to the timeline

Now we will look at a very different way of using videos. Instead of using the playback component we will include the video into the timeline (each video frame will be a timeline frame). This will allow us to create videos augmented with animations in an easy way.

Embed into timeline version

If you embed a video into the timeline, then you don't get the ready-made video control as above. Only embed video in the timeline if you plan to add animations the simple way and if the video file is really small. Also you shouldn't care about smaller synchronization problems with the audio track.

Embedded video will make your timeline really long, although you can choose to have it its own timeline. Anyhow, in this example we took the "hundreds of frames" timeline option.

We will insert the video in frame #2. We also will add a play button that will jump to frame 2 and play the video.

Step 1 - FLV files
  • Create one
Step 2 - Import the video as embed
  • Create a new layer and call it "video"
  • Insert a new empty keyframe in frame 2 (since we don't want the video play on load in this case).
  • Go there
  • Menu File->Import->Import Video
  • In the video deployment dialog, choose "Embed video in SWF and play in timeline".
Deployment dialog
Step 3 - Add some simple controls
  • You need at least a play button, but adding some extra buttons that will allow a user to jump to given frames also may be handy.
  • We just used the button component described in the Flash components tutorial.

In our example we added three buttons:

  • The "play button" will move the playhead in frame 2 where the video starts.
  • The "Go to Book Scene" button will move it to frame 230 something.
  • The "Credits" button will go to the very end.

The ActionScript code:

/* This will stop Flash from playing all the frames
   User must stay in Frame 1 */

/* Associate a handler function for each button instance */

btn_credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_book.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

/* Instead of writing a function for each button, we just create one.
   In order to understand which button was clicked, we ask from the event
   the label of the button(event.currentTarget.label).
   Then we gotoAndStop(x) to Frame 374 for Credits
   Or we can play the movie that sits in frame 2
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
	switch (event.currentTarget.label)
		case "Credits" :
		case "PLAY" :
		case "Go to Book Scene" :

/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */
btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);

function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
	var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
	var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
		navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
	catch (e:Error)
		trace("Error occurred!");

The "embed in timeline option" is probably only useful if you plan to play around with fine grained frame-by-frame jumping around or if you plan to add animations that synchronize with the video as described in the next example. Otherwise it is better to use a external video with the video playback component as described above.


Note: I noticed that when you import more than once a movie, file size will grow a lot ! Probably a side-effect of the undo mechanism. So 'do not do this. If you notice this problem, save the file with "save as". The new version will be ok. (Maybe there is another solution to trim down file size).

Enhanced video embedding into timeline

Embedding video into the timeline makes sense (IMHO) if you are looking for an easy way to synchronize other animations with the video. This technique requires no more additional ActionScript knowledge than you need for simple animation and navigation. However, embedded videos will make the *.fla and the resulting *.swf really huge.

Embedded video with some animations

In this example, we add various animations (e.g. two motion tweens and a shape tween) to the project. Below you can see that books are tumbling out of a bookshelf while the video shows a "real" bookshelf.

Below is the action script code to implement a simple play button, plus two other ones that are not really necessary, i.e. a "credits" and a "goto ..." button. All the rest is just simple Flash animation.

/* This will stop Flash from playing all the frames
   User must stay in Frame 1 */

/* Associate a handler function for each button instance */

btn_credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
btn_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

/* Instead of writing a function for each button, we just create one.
   In order to understand which button was clicked, we ask from the event
   the label of the button(event.currentTarget.label).
   Then we gotoAndStop(x) to Frame 572 for Credits
   Or we can play the movie that sits in frame 2
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
	switch (event.currentTarget.label)
		case "Credits" :
		case "PLAY" :

/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */

btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);

function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
	var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
	var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
		navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
	catch (e:Error)
		trace("Error occurred!");

Using cue points for navigation and to trigger animations

Working with cue points is another way to have your video interact with other animation. It's a more difficult solution than using timeline videos, but more elegant.

Jumping to cue points

Code for jumping to cue points is fairly easy if you know how to use buttons or button components.

  • Insert a video playback component like above
  • Give it an instance name like video
  • Then copy paste the code below (or do something similar)

As a bonus I added some invisible trees that will become visible when the user jumps to the cue point.

  • I imported a SVG drawing and called it trees.

To adapt this code to your needs: Change "XPS" to the name of your cue point. Remove the lines with trees if you don't want this ...

btn_laptop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jumpLapTop);

function jumpLapTop(event:MouseEvent):void {
	video.seekToNavCuePoint ("XPS");
	trees.visible = true;
trees.visible = false;

Without trees:

btn_laptop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jumpLapTop);
function jumpLapTop(event:MouseEvent):void { video.seekToNavCuePoint ("YOUR_CUEPOINT"); }

Important notice:

  • This code only works with navigation cue points and you can insert with the Flash video/media encoder. If you use ActionScript cue points (inserted with the component inspector or in a script), then use the following line of code:


video.seekToNavCuePoint ("XPS");



Basically, you first have to search for a cue point by name, then extracts its time, and then give the time to the seek method. Even then, result is not guaranteed. It may work on your local computer, but not in your navigator's flash player - Daniel K. Schneider 13:13, 21 April 2010 (UTC).

Handling events from the movie

Implementing animation that is triggered by the video's encounter of cue points was a bit harder since documentation wasn't so easy to find.

The following code will display a trace of all your cue points in the Flash CS3 output window. To make it work:

  • Insert a video component on the stage and add a *.flv source (as explained before)
  • Give it an instance name. I called it video_component. If give your component an other name you will have to change the ActionScript code below.
// You must import this class (even when you just script the timeline !!)
import fl.video.MetadataEvent;

video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener);

function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void {
        trace("Elapsed time in seconds: " + video_component.playheadTime);
        trace("Cue point name is: " + eventObject.info.name);
        trace("Cue point type is: " + eventObject.info.type);

When you play the *.flv video you can see these kinds of messages in the output window:

Elapsed time in seconds: 7.485
Cue point name is: palm_tree
Cue point type is: event
Elapsed time in seconds: 9.888
Cue point name is: books
Cue point type is: navigation
Elapsed time in seconds: 20.52
Cue point name is: missing_manual
Cue point type is: event
Elapsed time in seconds: 26.188
Cue point name is: XPS
Cue point type is: navigation
Elapsed time in seconds: 31.674
Cue point name is: ubuntu
Cue point type is: event

Now let's put this information to use and rewrite the code. Since this is near the end of this tutorial we shall make it slightly more complicated. But the resulting animation is still quite ugly. I am just teaching some Flash and I do not have time for decent artwork or even good design. Students should aim at both :)

Let's create some Flash movie clips:

  • Hit CTRL-F8 (menu Insert->New Symbol) and select "movie clip"
  • Then, double click on the new library item to get into symbol edit mode. Create any animation you like. Make sure that you are aware at which level you edit, i.e. make sure to return to the scene when you are done !!
  • Alternatively, you also may import simple Flash animations you made before as movie clips.

Once you got one or more of these animations:

  • Create an instance of each on the stage and give it an instance name, e.g.
  • Then in the AS code you may want to stop() each movie clip instance and also make some of them invisible, e.g.:
  • Before stopping a video instance, you should make sure that it was playing to avoid script errors. To do that you should check if the instance of your video is null or not, e.g :

If(movie_books !=null) { movie_books.stop(); movie_books.etc();... } Every time you call a property of an object by using the . you should check if there is a possibility that your object is null.

At the heart of cue point events management is an event handler that is registered, i.e. we use exactly the same principle as for user interaction with buttons (Flash button tutorial).

The cuepoint_listener function includes a switch statement that deals with each event it receives.

  • For most of these events we play some movie clip. If the movie clip was hidden, make it visible too, e.g.
  • Also we have to stop previous movies or even make them invisible again (as you like)

If you want music textures, you can for example import a sound file into the library and then export it for action script (Right-click on it). Make sure you remember its class name. Else you can dynamically import sound from external files as shown in the Flash drag and drop tutorial.

So here is the complete code you can find in the *.fla file of this example:

import fl.video.MetadataEvent;
// Stop all the animations of the various movie clips
// Make the bookshelf invisible

// This is a sound of the class music
// Was defined by exporting the music file in the library
var music:Music = new Music();
var volume = new SoundTransform(0.2, 0);

// Add a cuepoint for the end and which is not in the flv movie
video_component.addASCuePoint(40, "End");

video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepoint_listener);

function cuepoint_listener(obj:MetadataEvent):void {
	switch (obj.info.name)
		case "palm_tree" :
		case "books" :
		case "missing_manual" :
		case "XPS" :
			var song = music.play(0,3,volume);
		case "ubuntu" :
		case "End" :
			// song.stop();

/* This shows how to open an URL in a WebBrowser */
btn_edutech_wiki.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoToUrl);

function GoToUrl(event:MouseEvent):void {
	var url:String = "http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Flash_video_component_tutorial";
	var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
		navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
	catch (e:Error)
		trace("Error occurred!");

Cue points work-through example

Adapt the following example: Look at this first: flash-cs3-video-cue-events-exercise.html


Make this your own cue-points enhanced component video. Prerequisites:

Below is a copy of the AS3 code you should modify. It sits in the Script layer.

import fl.video.MetadataEvent;

/* Instructions:
1. Add a *.flv video to the video component (edit with component inspector)
2. Use a viewer to analyse the video and write down at least 3 moments
   you want to declare as cuepoints. You need a name and seconds
3. Fix the code below:
  a. Add cue points below or in the component inspector
  b. stop all your animations, make them invisible if you like
  c. Add "if clauses" in cuepoint_listener
  d. Edit the jump1 function

// 3.a. Add a cuepoint with ActionScript, else use the component inspector

video_component.addASCuePoint(10.5, "wonder");

// 3.b. Stop all the animations of the various movie clips
// 1. Add more animations here and kill the example anim
// 2. Your embedded clips must have an instance name in the Flash Scene
// copy/paste the two following lines, i.e. add anim2 etc. and adapt


// Optional: Add sound from a sound file in the library. 
// Was defined by exporting the music file in the library to AS3
var guitar_music = new Guitarmusic();
var volume=new SoundTransform(0.2,0);

// 3.c Add more if clauses to the cuepoint_listener function
video_component.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cuepoint_listener);

function cuepoint_listener(event) {

	// get the event name
	var event_name = event.info.name;

	// the next three lines will just print out information to the console
	// you later can remove these if you want
	trace("Elapsed time in seconds: " + video_component.playheadTime);
	trace("Cue point name is: " + event_name);
	trace("Cue point type is: " + event.info.type);

	// deal with the cue events
	if (event_name == "wonder") {
		anim1.play();  // should be stopped at some point ....

	/* remove this start comment line
	if (event_name == "something") {
	remove this end comment line */

// 3.d - Adapt to your cuepoint
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jump1);

function jump1(event) {
	// next line only works if you created cue points 
	// of type navigation with the video encoder
	// video_component.seekToNavCuePoint("wonder");
	video_component.seek (video_component.findCuePoint("wonder","actionscript").time);


Manual entries

For Designers CS3
Using the FLVPlayback Component
Using the FLVPlayback Captioning Component (Flash CS3 Documentation).
Listening for cue point events - Read this! Including the comment Using the FLVPlayback Component]
For Designers CS5

Below some more technical links which so far are not really used much in this tutorial.

ActionScript overview documentation for programmers

Note: (URLs seem to be unstable if they don't work go to Programming ActionScript 3.0

Working with video (Flash CS3 documentation / Programming AS 3.0)
Using cue points
Writing callback methods for onCuePoint and onMetaData
Set the NetStream object's client property to an Object
Extend the NetStream class and add methods to handle the callback methods
ActionScript documentation for programmers
video package-detail.html
FLVPlayback Component. The class for the flvplayback vido component.
AS3 FLVPLayback documentation
VideoPlayer.html. The FLVPlayback class wraps the VideoPlayer class.
NetStream.html. This one has the onCuePoint Event.
Timed Text (TT)


For designers
For programmers


All Artwork (clipart) is from:

  • http://www.openclipart.org/ (sorry I didn't write down names of individual creators). These are SVG files in the public domain I imported via Illustrator (I really can't understand why Flash doesn't support SVG in some ways...)

Sound (except voice track on videos) is from:


  • I made them myself
  • You may download videos from the Internet (make sure that copyright allows you to do so). Getting videos from sites like YouTube is not easy, you either have to download a program or use a specialized web site for this (watch out for viruses and porn): Search for "download youtube". You also may dig in your computer's temporary files.
  • To download from youtube, I use this Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006
  • http://video.google.com/ Some videos on google are free to use. They come in various formats. Use advanced search in order to restrict search to duration, particular formats, etc. Then, underneath the video, click on the link watch this video on video.google.com. Else you won't be able to download it. Finally to download, click on "Download video -iPod/PSP.
  • http://vids.myspace.com/ Needs special tools to download
  • http://youtube.com/ Needs special tools to download

External Flash Video Component Sources