Animals 2BIbDF09 10/11

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Chapters studied

Here are the 6 animal groups that you are going to study.


  • collaborative work between the students of the class
  • 3 parts:
  1. written part (wiki)
  2. poster construction
  3. oral presentation

Written part

Goal? The main goal of each chapter studied will be to have enough information about the animal studied in order to have at the end a precise idea of the main mechanisms that did occur in animal evolution.
How? Work by groups of two in class and at home… Each group will work on a particular subject of the chapter… so you'll have to define first which part you would like to work on…
Inquiry Based Learning: Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Furthermore, involvement in learning implies possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek resolutions to questions and issues while you construct new knowledge. (from You'll have to raise questions and then to answer to those questions in order to built a final written document that will be published.


Based on your written document, you will create a poster that will synthesize the "take home message" of your chapter

Oral part

In order to present your personal work to the other students of your class, we will organize a poster session during which each group will make an brief oral presentation of the poster.

The poster and the oral presentation will be evaluated!

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