Discussion:Coronavirus and vaccinat

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How do viruses infect us?

Viruses are a non-living infectious agent. They enter our body, in the case of the COVID-19 it is through mucus such as saliva, attach onto a cell in our body thanks to the ACE2 receptors and enter the cell. When the have entered the cell, they use the cell’s ressources to create more viruses that are released in the body. --IrisH (discussion) 19 mai 2020 à 08:54 (CEST)

How do vaccines work?

When we get vaccinated, we are exposed a non infectious or a part of the virus to trigger an immune response in our body to the particular disease. The virus will be in a form that prevents it from making the patient sick, but at the same time, enough for our bodies to produce antibodies, hence developing immunity. --IrisH (discussion) 19 mai 2020 à 08:44 (CEST)

How does the vaccine not actually make us sick?

What are the different tested forms of the virus used in vaccines?