Coronavirus and vaccination 2020

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Here are questions students of the 3BIbDF classes had after the reading of the article "Coronavirus vaccination", 576 | Nature | Vol 580 | 30 April 2020.

What is a vaccine?

A vaccine is a harmless antigen that makes the immunitary immune system of an individual react, so that it is trained against a given pathogen.

Vaccines can be based on whole modified viruses or of virus parts.

Nice start... welcome to the immunological world! The definition is not sufficient. Several antigens can be included in a vaccine... So, you'll have to better define the term and of course, also define what is an antigen.--Pierre.brawand (discussion) 18 mai 2020 à 22:04 (CEST)

Why are there less teams of searchers trying to developp virus vaccines?


What drawbacks are there to the protein-based approach?


New question
