OHS2020 Chap6

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Who is Homo sapiens?

Homo sapient are characterized by many different aspects distinct from the other homo species. Living humans share specific features in the skeleton that can be recognized in fossil remains, they have high and rounded braincase, a small face under the forehead, a chin on the lower jaw, small and separated brow ridges, narrow shoulders, trunk and pelvis. Our middle and inner ear anatomies and our microscopic dental structure are also different from other human species.--DamarisRV (discussion) 5 mai 2020 à 10:56 (CEST)DamarisRV

What specific features caracterize the living humans ?

We recognize specific features in every living humans that allow us to qualify them as the only human species on our Earth. These specific features consist on "the skeleton braincase, a small face tucked under the forehead, a chin under the lower jaw, small and separated brow ridges, narrow shoulders, trunk and pelvis". The Humans are also known for needing a long ans slow gain in maturity which is a typical specific modern human feature.--NoraM (discussion) 20 avril 2020 à 14:30 (CEST)

Where were living the different human species ?

We found fossils, DNA and bowns of different human species in many different regions. It allowed us to determine that H. spiens was living in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania. H. neanderthalensis' territories were in Eurasia. We also know that another spicies, Denisovan was living near Denisova cave and in Sunda. --ColetteB (discussion) 30 avril 2020 à 17:12 (CEST)

How does the image on p.143 challenge the definition we have today of a "species"?

A species is a group of individuals that, if they mate, have the potential to generate fertile offspring. However, what is problematic of the image on p.143 is the existence of interbreeding between different species that gave rise to fertile descendants, which led to the existence of modern humans, us. So, how come this happened? A hypothesis is that even though we are talking about different species, they are closely related enough (cousins) to have been able to mate, which is indicative of their link to their last common ancestor. --GavinC (discussion) 5 mai 2020 à 10:38 (CEST)

it might be interesting to define how much "foreign" DNA we have today in our genome? This might explain that despite the sexual reproduction we use with meiotic and recombination mechanisms, the Neanderthal DNA persists in our DNA.-Pierre.brawand (discussion) 5 mai 2020 à 10:52 (CEST)

What is the biological species concept (BSC)?


Why does interbreeding challenge the BSC?


Why is Homo sapiens the only remaining species out of the ones discussed in this book (p.149)?

There are many factors that potentially explain the survival of our species, including the presence of more diversity and larger numbers compared to other species, the fact that we may have lived in more favorable environments, and more effective hunting and gathering methods.

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