Molluscs 2BIbDF09 10/11

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What are molluscs?

Molluscs are invertebrates animals that live in water, and mostly in oceans. There is an estimated number of 100'000 species in the phylum Mollusca. Molluscs appeared in the earliest Cambrian period 545 million years ago. We can define four different groups of molluscs; the Gastropods, the Cephalopods, the Bivalves and the Polyplacophores. All of them have the same body plan separated in three parts. The first part is the foot which is the strong, muscular portion used for locomotion. The second one is the visceral mass, a soft-bodied portion that contains internal organs and the third one is the mantle, that covers and protect the visceral mass. Many molluscs feed by using a rasping organ called a radula. (cf appendix molluscs 1)

{ Annexe is FRENCH... You should say APPENDIX[[ Utilisateur:Pierre.brawand|Pierre.brawand]] 16 janvier 2011 à 21:09 (CET)

what is a shell? Is it an exoskeleton?

What are the main features of each group?

The Gastropods

The Gastropods form the group of molluscs the most important.This group include the snails, whelks, limpets and the slugs. We call them Gastropods because it meaning stomach-footed.

We can find them nearly everywhere in the world because some of them live into the water and the others live in somewhere is humid. But their anatomy is the little bit different like their color, their way of the respiration.

Although most gastropods are herbivores or detritivores.Thy have a unique structure in their mouths called a radula.

The radula functions like a rasp to scrapee away algae plants cell or other type of food It is usually covered with teeth. Sea butter-flies are gastropodsd with areduced or absent shell but a large winglike foot that flaps and poweer swimming movements

How do they move? They move by muscle contractions, thanks their ventrally flattened foot.That is why the land gastropods are very slow.

They can have a shell like the snails.

What are the differences between the Land gastropods and the sea gastropods?

The shell of the snails change. the Land snails have thinner shell than the marine snails. This shell is in the shape of spiral,which is used for protection.

{{co|where did you get this information? In a French website? If this is the case, don't do that. I don't want you to translate. I want you to read in English and to synthesize the main information.}Pierre.brawand 16 janvier 2011 à 21:11 (CET) The nudibranchs are marine gastropods and they have lost their shell but we called also sea slugs.


The snails can be unisexual or hermaphrodite.

They have two pairs of tentacles of which the longest have eyes in the extremity.


The Cephalopods

Cephalopods differ from gastropods and bivalves. Unlike bivalves and most gastropods which have shells, most cephalopods, like the Octopus, miss it. Only a few cephalopods have a heavy external shell (like the Nautilus) or a small and internal shell (like the Squids). (search an appendix)

They are carnivorous predators made for speed and agility; cephalopods are know for their intelligence and ability to catch their prey. They are found in all oceans of the world. All species of cephalopods have tentacles that they use to catch and hold prey; mostly fishes. The tentacles seem to be arms that help them to feed themselves and cling to surfaces, thanks to suction cups on the tentacles. Cephalopods are great predators thanks to their speed movement, camera eye-vision and their intelligence.

They move by jet propulsion, which is a complex muscular motion:

The seawater is first drawn into the mantle cavity over the gills. When the animal wants to move, it quickly contracts the mantle wall. The pressure of water within the mantle cavity is increased because there is only one orifice not sealed, the funnel or siphon, by which the water goes out, propeling the animal fast through the surrounding water.

The eyes of the cephalopods don't differ so much with human eyes. consisting of two chambers separated by a lens that projects an image onto the light-sensitive retina. The tissues show a close correspondence. The general structure of the retina, for example, is very similar, although the vertebrate retina is more sophisticated. In addition, at least cuttlefish show a change in retinal sensitivity as they grow, as do vertebrates. But the parallels do not end here. In both groups, the eyeball is located in a socket and rotated by extra-ocular muscles. Furthermore, the eye has a pupil (with an iris) that is equivalent to a shutter, controlling the amount of light that passes through the lens. It is capable of remarkably quick contraction, particularly in cuttlefish, where the pupillary response may be used in behavioural interactions. Remarkably, a pupil is also seen in the cubozoan jellyfish, and in nautiluses the aperture of their pinhole eyes (which lack a lens) acts as an adjustable pupil.

(Cephalopods are equipped with a highly developed nervous system and possess the most complex brains found in the invertebrate world, and many specialists consider them the most intelligent invertebrates. The eyes of many species are highly developed and many eye parts are comparable to the eyes of vertebrates, including humans. The eyes of giant squid are thought to be the largest of any animal with a diameter of 15.75 inches (40 cm).) (à changer)

What are the differences between the species of cephalopods?

The Bivalves

Bivalves, including numerous species of clams, oysters, mussels and scallops, have shells divided into two halves hinged together. Most bivalves are sedentary, living in sand or mud in marine and freshwater environments. They use their muscular foot for digging and anchoring.

The Polyplacophores

What are the main features of animals?

Are molluscs animals?


Essential Biology with Physiology Campbell/Reece/Simon Second Edition

good start but still a lot of work to do...!Pierre.brawand 16 janvier 2011 à 21:13 (CET)

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