Male Contraceptives 08

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--AnneVR 8 janvier 2009 à 11:18 (MET) --MelodyF 13 janvier 2009 à 15:21 (MET) --ThomasT 20 janvier 2009 à 15:49 (MET)

Introduction : What is contraception?

Contraception or birth control is the term used for the prevention of pregnancy.

There are many kinds of contraceptives,the male and female ones. They are both very efficient but work in different ways. We're going to explain the male ones.

Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation. There are different kinds of birth control that act at different points in the process.

What are the different contraceptives for men and how do they work?

There are many contraceptives for men but the most used are the following ones. We didn't consider sterilization and especially vasectomy in it, because this chapter is studied by another group.
Each one has its own particular uses and we must consider them all to understand when and how they can be used and if they are really efficient.

The condom

A condom is a device most commonly used during sexual intercourse. It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner. Condoms are used to prevent pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs—such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV).

In the modern age, condoms are most often made from latex, but some are made from other materials such as polyurethane, or lamb intestine. As a method of contraception, male condoms have the advantage of being inexpensive, easy to use, having few side-effects, and of offering protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Condoms have been used for at least 400 years. Since the nineteenth century, they have been one of the most popular methods of contraception in the world. While widely accepted in modern times, condoms have generated some controversy.

Condoms are widely recommended for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). They have been shown to be effective in reducing infection rates in both men and women. While not perfect, the condom is effective at reducing the transmission of HIV, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other diseases.

  • Causes of failure:

Condoms may slip off the penis after ejaculation, break due to improper application or physical damage (such as tears caused when opening the package), or break or slip due to latex degradation (typically from usage past the expiration date, improper storage, or exposure to oils). The rate of breakage is between 0.4% and 2.3%, while the rate of slippage is between 0.6% and 1.3%. Even if no breakage or slippage is observed, 1–2% of women will test positive for semen residue after intercourse with a condom. "Double bagging," using two condoms at once, also increases the risk of condom failure.

Different modes of condom failure result in different levels of semen exposure. If a failure occurs during application, the damaged condom may be disposed of and a new condom applied before intercourse begins - such failures generally pose no risk to the user. One study found that semen exposure from a broken condom was about half that of unprotected intercourse; semen exposure from a slipped condom was about one-fifth that of unprotected intercourse.

The male pill

Scientists are currently working to develop a male contraceptive pill that will allow men to control their fertility, in much the same way that the female contraceptive pill allows women to.

  • How will it work?

The male contraceptive pill is likely to work by blocking sperm production, using a combination of the sex hormones progestogen and testosterone. It is likely to become available as either a single pill or a longer-acting implant.

The major challenge for the male pill compared to the female one is that it has to inhibit millions of sperm cells instead of only one ovum. It's thus very difficult to have a pill that is 100% effective in every man, all of the time.

The non-hormonal pill

British scientists have developed a revolutionary pill that men could take as a one-off contraceptive just before a date. The tablet would prevent a man from being able to impregnate a woman, but within a few hours his fertility would return to normal.

This would make it much more acceptable to men than other 'male pills' under development, which alter hormone levels and have to be taken over the long term. It is also more likely to be trusted by women as they are not relying on their man having to remember to take his pill every day for it to work.

This new pill contains chemicals that prevent ejaculation and could be in tablet-form. Men could take one daily, just like the female pill, or have one a few hours before sex as a one-off contraceptive. Sexual satisfaction is not affected and the absence of hormones means that a man's fertility should return to normal within hours of stopping the treatment.

Researcher Dr Nnaemeka Amobi said: "The non-hormonal male pill could be taken when and as needed."

Fellow researcher Dr Christopher Smith said: "If the man was taking the pill over a period of several months and decided to come off it, we would expect his fertility to return just as quickly as if he had taken it on a one-off basis."

The contraceptive was inspired by the observation that some drugs used to treat schizophrenia and high blood pressure also prevent ejaculation. However, side-effects including dizziness and drowsiness mean these medicines could not be marketed as contraceptives. After pinning down how the drugs stop ejaculation, the London researchers set about creating tablets that do the same thing but without the side-effects. Already tested in the lab, it is hoped human trials will start shortly and the pill on the market within the next five years. Its strength lays in its ability to prevent pregnancy without using hormones which could cause side-effects such as hot flushes and moodiness.

Why people aren't excited by the male pill?

  • First of all,It is new and unknown, people has to get used to it before it gets usual.

The common perception is that few women would actually believe a man who said he was on the Pill. How to make it be more common: "If you give the consumer the peace of mind that their fertility will be restored and that their hormones are not going to be affected, they may feel that it is safer to use this contraceptive,"

  • a men is also scared of having a child but not in the same way as a women.

men are not as implicated in pregnancy as women, because it's not them who are going to get pregnant. They can care or not, it's their choice.

The spermicide

  • The spermicide alone : A foam, cream, jelly, film, or suppository, or tablet containing nonoxynol-9. Depending on product, it is inserted between five and 90 minutes before intercourse. It is usually left in place at least six to eight hours after.

What is the most efficient?


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