Emergency contraception 08

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What is Emergency Contraception when it is used?

Emergency Contraception are contraceptive measures used after unprotected sexual relations, in order to prevent a fertilization. There are two types of measures:

  • Oral
  • Intra-uterine device

when it is used?

It has to be used as quick as possible for more chances to prevent the pregnancy, and within the 3 days after the sexual relation. The sooner it is taken thee more chances for the women not to become pregnant.
It should be used in case of a unprotected sexual contact, but it should not be used as a regular mean of contraception: it is not as efficient as condoms or pills which are used before or during a sexual contact. Moreover, it does not prevent sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. Only condoms do.--NabilaN 8 janvier 2009 à 10:39 (MET)

Who uses that?

Men can't use Emergency contraceptivs, they are only made for women. It is in the women's body that the potential baby is going to develop so we have to prevent the pregnancy within women. Any action on the man's body would be useless as once the sperm is released they have nothing to do anatomically with pregnancy.

What about emergency contraception and abortion???

for more information on Abortion: Abortion_08

What are the different contraceptive methods and how do they work?

emergency contraceptive pills ("morning after pills")

2 types

Copper-T Intrauterine Device

Where can we get it?how can we get it?do we need any medical prescription?





on body, secondary effects(?)



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