Infertility 08

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What is infertility ?

Anovulation is one of the different causes of infetility. Anovulation is the fact that a female does not ovulate during cycles.In other words the ovaries fail to produce oocytes.

Is sterility the same as infertility ?

Infertility is biologically the inability for a man or a female to produce gametes while sterility is the total incapacity to produce naturally.

Does infertility happen more in woman or in man ?

What are the causes of an infertility ?

Besides, the age is very important. The more the woman or the man aged are, the less the chances of being pregnant exist. Besides, the probability of a miscarriage is bigger. Then, obesity and underweight are important factors of an infertility, acting on the quality of the ovulation. Smoking and alcohol act as well on the processus of ovulation.

What are the different solutions for these infertile people ?

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