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What is the contraceptive pill?

The contraceptive pill is a little pill that girls usually take to inhibit the ovulation and normal fertilization. It contains normally a combination of two hormones: estrogen and progestin.

What is a hormone?

A hormone is a transporter of chemical message. This message transmits a signal by the blood from one or many cells to another one.

What are the two hormones that the pill contains and what is their role?

The pill is principally an association of two hormones estrogen and progestin.

Do girls all take the same pill and why?

No some girls can't stand hormones contained in the "normal" pill. They may have secondary effects like dizziness, feeling sick, etc.

What is the minipill?

Why do girls take the pill?

ethical or physical problems_ some don't take the pill

In what period of life do girls take the pill and for how long?

Why pills have to be taken once each day?

Does the pill work?

How does the pill act on girls' organism?

Are there pills for men?

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