Contraception Teenagers

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What is contraception?

Contraception regroups all the methods allowing to prevent temporarly the fertilization.

What are the different methods od contraception

  • birth control pills
  • condoms
  • intrauterine devices
  • morning after pills
  • abstinence

What contraceptive methods can teenager use?

Can they use all the methods?

How do they choose their method?

When is each method appropriate?

Are these methods efficient against sexually transmitted diseases (STD)?

Is contraception used efficiently by teenagers?

Who are the people involved?

The doctor, the parents and the teenagers.

What is the doctor's role?

What is the parent's role?

What is the teenager's role?

Why are most contraception methods for women?

Do teenagers feel concerned by contraception?

References Helping patients choose appropriate contraception - includes related article on choosing a method of birth control American Family Physician - Find Articles go back to Contraception_3BIbDF01_02