OHS2020 Chap4

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What are the main characteristics of the Paranthropus genus?

Paranthropes have very big molars and pre-molars, larger cheek bones and sometimes even a sagittal crest.--JeremyS (discussion) 7 avril 2020 à 10:52 (CEST)

Does the fact that P. robustus has a slightly bigger brain imply that they are more intelligent than the other apes or Australopithecus?


I would rather say whether the cranial capacity of P. robustus has a direct link with intelligence--Pierre.brawand (discussion) 7 avril 2020 à 10:47 (CEST)

How was the cohabitation of the "sympatric" species possible? ( p. 81 )


Paranthropus was considered as living on the side of Australopithecus and Homo. How was the cohabitation of the "sympatric" species possible? ( p. 81 )

Paranthropus could live with other species such as Australopithecus or Homo because they target different food ressources. They are able to divide the food available. They aren't competing for food because if it was the case, one species could have overcome the other.--ThomasG (discussion) 7 avril 2020 à 11:03 (CEST)

How do we know the Paranthropus' diet?


Why are not assemblages of Paranthropus fossiles with stone tools a proof for them making stone tools?


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