Pregnancy Childbirth 08

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What are the different stages of Pregnancy?

We will use pictures to illustrate the following text which shows the human development as it takes place in the uterus. There are three stages of pregnancy called trimesters:

The pregnancy First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy lasts for about 14 weeks. During this stage of pregnancy the woman may experience the dreaded morning sickness (which can occur anytime during the day and sore and enlarged breasts. During this stage it's vital that you get enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients as they are essential for growth and development. It's a good idea to consult with your health care provider to determine what is best for you. Nutrition and Exercise

2200 calories/day Well balanced, healthy diets with adequate fiber promotes baby’s growth and mother’s energy and comfort Take prenatal vitamins as prescribed Avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco Small, more frequent meals may help a nauseous woman get good nutrition Many women can continue to exercise regularly. Daily exercise that suits your level of fitness can help decrease fatigue and stress Discuss your exercise habits with your health care provider Avoid overheating and maintain good hydration during exercise

Second Trimester

This second stage of pregnancy lasts until the end of the seventh month and is many times the easiest stage of pregnancy as most women will start to regain some of their energy. During this stage your stomach will begin to expand and those around you will start to notice that you are pregnant. At this time any feelings of morning sickness should dissipate, although some women may continue to experience it (usually to a lesser extent). At this point you may also feel your baby beginning to kick and move. If you wish, you can find out whether you are having a girl or boy.

Nutrition and Exercise

2500 calories/day

Continue to maintain a well balanced diet with plenty of fiber Continue to take prenatal vitamins if prescribed Continue to avoid the use of alcohol Modify your exercise regimen if needed to protect weight bearing joints, back and abdominal muscles Take care with lifting and carrying

Third Trimester

As you enter into the final trimester of your pregnancy you may notice that you feel more sensitive, emotional and anxious. Be rest assured, these feelings are very natural. It's common to begin worrying about about what kind of mother you are going to be. Many times, the increased size and weight of your baby can cause increased pain (often in your back), making you feel more uncomfortable and anxious.

Nutrition and Exercise

2500 calories

You may need to resume small frequent feedings to prevent heartburn Continue prenatal vitamins as prescribed Continue to avoid the use of alcohol Adequate hydration and avoiding overheating are important to protect the baby and you Further modify your exercise regimen as needed to protect muscles and joints Shortness of breath is common on exertion-You may need to reduce the intensity of your exercise regimen if you are becoming too winded

Stretch and tone to prepare for childbirth

Tracking Fetal Development

Fetal Development Fetal Organs

First Month (Embryo) Vital organs are forming and the brain and beginning of the spine are evident.

Fifth Week Heart begins to beat and circulate blood; arm and led buds emerge; brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are established.

Sixth Week Digestive system is forming and arms and legs begin to grow.

Seventh Week The umbilical cord joins the embryo to the placenta; long bones and internal organs are developing.

Second Month


Human face, arms, legs, fingers, toes, elbows, knees, eyelids and bone cells are forming. 

Twelfth Week Sex is distinguishable; fingers and toes are moving; teeth buds are present and the kidney and bladder form. Baby is 2-4" long and weighs an once or two.

Sixteenth Week Baby moves and kicks, sleeps and wakes, swallows; hair forms, digestion becomes active; fetus is pick in color and has a large.

20 Weeks Spurt in baby's growth; internal organs are maturing; hair, eyebrows and lashes are present; baby increases storage of iron. Baby is 8-12" long and weighs 1/2 pound.

24 Weeks Baby's skin is wrinkled; covered by lanugo and vernix; and baby has an audible heartbeat.

28 Weeks Most rapid growth; red and wrinkled; eyelids can open and close; baby storing large amounts of calcium and iron; fetus has a chance of surviving if born. Baby is 15" long and weighs 3 pounds.

32 Weeks Weight gain and rapid growth; settles in favorite position; valuable fat increases.

36 Weeks Baby gains 1/2 pound per week; bones of head are soft and flexible; baby has developed immunities. Baby is 18" long and weighs 6 pounds.


38-42 Weeks

Organs developed; respiratory system is mature.

What is pregnancy?

For the human race, pregnancy occurs amongst the female, taking place precisely in the uterus. It is the state of carrying one or more embryos that will eventually develop into a foetus, during a period of nine months. This period starts at conception and ends at the point of delivery.

How does pregnancy occur?

Pregnancy occurs by the implantation of the embryo (which is at this stage a ball of rapidly multiplying cells called the blastocyst) into the uterus about three or four days after fertilization. The embryo will then develop and grow inside the uterus for a period of nine months (about 266 days) and during this time, various changes occur in the mother's body in order to accomodate the growing foetus.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each of which lasting about three months each. These trimesters help us to monitor the growth of the baby and the changes occuring inside the mother's body. Although complications such as miscarriages can occur, the foetus usually grows healthily during pregnancy, recieving its nutrients from it's mother and growing in a safe and comfortable environnement which is the uterus.

What are the different stages of pregnancy?

First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester

How is pregnancy monitored?

What are the possible complications during pregnancy?

What is childbirth?

Childbirth is the step that follows the period of nine months of pregnency (about 42 weeks), when the developed feotus or baby is pushed out the uterus of the mother to the outside world. It's actually a whole process that includes two phases: labor and delivery. The latter are themselves divided into different stages.

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How does childbirth occur?

What are the possible complications during pregnancy?


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