WEIT Chap6

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First of all, sex is good.



What is sexual selection?

Sexual selection is a natural process that occurs in animals just before mating: it's a selection that increase an individual's chance of getting a mate. There are two forms.

1) Male-male competition (The Law of Battle): It's a struggle between the males for the possession of a female

why only ONE female... Generally, males fight for more than ONE female... in order to be sure to transfer their alleles in the offspringPierre.brawand 19 avril 2011 à 22:36 (CEST) . Two males of the same species fight out, and the goal is to drive off the other male in order to win access to females.

2) Female choice: This is a choice made by females. They "compare" males to each others and recognize the most beautiful and the biggest physical features (like a big tail, bright colors, etc.). The choice is done after that comparison, and many experiences showed that the strongest and most beautiful animal were chosen by females.

How does it work?

Why sex?

What is dimorphism?

A question of choice?

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