Discussion:Contraception Ethics 08

De biorousso
Version datée du 8 février 2009 à 18:47 par MagaliN (discussion | contributions)
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  • For Nowina : Aaaach maybe I wasn't clear enough... First, I talked about the normal pill (the emergency pill comes afterwards) but in a special case: sometimes, dispite the fact that we use the pill, ovulation can occur. As reference I, used the article "The pill: a controversal subject" in Pill's page (my argument is based on that sentence : "Their main argument is the following: when a woman takes the Pill, she normaly does not ovulate..but if by any chance, she should release an egg, and during sexual intercourse it was fertilised by a sperm cell, the hormones contained in the Pill would kill the fertilised egg.") But I will re-read my paragraph and rearrange it as soon as I can ;). And by the way, thanks for having erased the useless question ^^. - Mag
  • For Magali: In your question, when you say that by using the pill we kill a fertilized egg, are you talking about the emergency pill or the "normal" pill. I thought that the pill inhibits ovulation, so it wouldn't affect a fertilzed egg??? Or am I wrong? - Nowina
  • I decided to erase the question because in fact we treat it when we speak about the scientific pov. But if you want to add sth just do it!
  • Ok guys, great work! I can write sth concerning the question "what leads us to contraception?". If you don't like it, and you don't wanna write anything alse just erase the whole question. It's better than having an unanswered question ^^ --Nowina
  • (thanks for the links) For Norina: I didn't really use them but kept them in annexe (if needed later on). I almost finished my part (maybe we'll have to make some changes), but I need the image in a separate file.. Besides, it could be good if somebody worked on the "what lead us to use contraception?" part. I can do it if you want? Just tell me. Well done for all your work guys! - Mag
  • For Magali: I kept some points we wrote for the image on "HOw does Life begin". If you want to use them. I don't need them in this question ,but I kept them because I don't know if you need them... - NOrina
  • What is the difference between point 3 and 7??? Why do we have a 2nd "Contraception on an ethical and scientific pov"? We already have it at the beginning... If you mean something different we have to change the title or add the stuff you wrote in the first... Norina
  • Are we alowed to put pics on this website???? I thought we have to put it on a seperate file..... Norina
  • -->Lol definitely not, you were right. I thought we were only allowed to use the pics already uploaded on the wiki's server, not the external ones. All right. Matias