Pregnancy and Contraception 3BIbDF02-03-04

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Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things that could happen to anybody… However, sometimes, it's just not the right moment… So contraception, the deliberate prevention of pregnancy, exists…
As you probably know, there is not a unique contraception method: for every woman, for every couple, there is a particular way to prevent pregnancy. Different factors appear to influence the choice of the methods used: cultural and medical factors, life style, period of life, etc.
What do you think about that? Let's work in a collaborative manner to answer this question which might become complex…


  • collaborative work.
  • 2 parts: written part (wiki) and oral presentation.

Written part

Work by groups of two in class and at home… Each group will work on a particular part of the chapter… so you'll have to define first which part you would like to work on…
At the same time, a group from another bilingual class will work on the same wiki page as you… = interclass approach. This will implicate that you'll have to collaborate in English with this group for the production of the written document! Goal? The main goal here will be for one group to explain pregnancy and childbirth, for another to discuss about the problems due to infertility that some couples might undergo and for the other groups, to analyze the different contraceptive methods that can be used, the way they function, their efficacy, the public health problems related to contraception, the ethical issues that might appear, etc.

How? Inquiry Based Learning: Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Furthermore, involvement in learning implies possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek resolutions to questions and issues while you construct new knowledge. (from You'll have to raise questions and then to answer to those questions in order to built a final written document that will be published.

Oral part

In order to present your personal work to the other groups of your class, you will make an oral presentation at the end. The other students of the other class that did work on the same wiki page as you will present the same information to the students of their class but in a personal manner (= intraclass approach).
How? Prepare a 10 minute oral presentation describing your part, Use PowerPoint with 5 slides max. Insist particularly on a point having held your attention and on your personal conclusions.

This work will be evaluated!


  • 3BIbDF02: 8 groups of two students
  • 3BIbDF03: 4 groups of two students; 1 group of 3 students
  • 3BIbDF04: 7 groups of two students

Themes to be treated

Each theme will be treated at the same time by two groups, each group being in a different class... Interclass collaboration will then be necessary!!!
Please, don't forget to sign your comments and to use the discussion space!
Good luck!!! --Pierre.brawand 6 janvier 2009 à 22:40 (MET)

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