« Abortion » : différence entre les versions

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Ligne 14 : Ligne 14 :
=Can we consider abortion as a murder?=
=Can we consider abortion as a murder?=
=When is an embryo or a fetus considered as a "full" human being?=
=When is an embryo or a fetus considered as a "full" human being?=
=Until when (in pregnancy) is abortion allowed and why?=

=What are the different forms of abortion?=
=What are the different forms of abortion?=

Version du 17 novembre 2007 à 17:48

What is abortion?

"Abortion is the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death." [1]
It means that abortion is used to remove deliberately the still living blabla or the already dead blabla.

What is the difference between a human embryo and fetus?

  • Embryo: Until the third month of pregnancy the organism is callled embryo. After that point, it is called fetus.
  • Fetus: The organism after three months (when the major structures have formed) until birth.

Why three months?

The limit of three months (12 weeks) is not universal, some put it at 8 weeks.

Is abortion a form of contraception?

  • definition of contraception: different methods used in order to avoid temporarily the fertilization

According to this definition, abortion is not a contraception form because the fertilization has already occured.

  • Another defintion of contraception: different methods used in order to avoid having a baby

According to this second definition, abortion is a form of contraception because it inhibits having a baby.

Can we consider abortion as a murder?

When is an embryo or a fetus considered as a "full" human being?

Until when (in pregnancy) is abortion allowed and why?

What are the different forms of abortion?

  • Induced abortion: An induced abortion is a pregnancy which is voluntarily aborted and this can be done by using different methods. The method used depends mainly upon the gestional age of the fetus (the age of a fetus from the first day to the day the pregnancy arrives to its term. But the method chosen also depends

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