« Discussion:Sterilization 08 » : différence entre les versions

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side effect:http://www.popline.org/docs/0225/735553.html
side effect:http://www.popline.org/docs/0225/735553.html

If you want to add something... No problem ;-)
If you want to add something... No problem ;-)

Dernière version du 2 février 2009 à 01:36

We'll try to continue the advantages and disadvantages and the secondary effects and when would it be made... Next time we're going to make the links... This is an article that we'll perhaps use for the secondary effects (Side effects after tubal sterilization are rare. While many women complain of pain or abnormal bleeding after the surgery, many of them were on the birth control pill previously, and this masked symptoms of hormonal imbalances. When the pills are stopped after surgery, the symptoms show up. In reality, the likelihood of menstrual disturbances or pelvic pain developing is no greater after tubal sterilization procedures than in women who have not had such surgery. Rarely, adhesions form at the site of the tubal coagulation (not "cauterization," which would technically mean just burning the outside of the tube). I don't believe your depression is related either, unless you have regrets over your decision and do not feel that you entered into this course of treatment with full acceptance on your part. I would suggest you seek counseling for your depression and look to other causes.) ethics: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1925650 http://www.acog.org/from_home/publications/press_releases/nr07-01-07.cfm side effect:http://www.popline.org/docs/0225/735553.html http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/St%C3%A9rilisation_forc%C3%A9e

If you want to add something... No problem ;-) Dara and Margot

Hi! So, if it's okay for you, can you do the questions : what is fertility, what are the side effects and when would it be made (do not forget to speak about trisomy 21...)! The rest have be done and almost correct by Mr.Brawand :) ! Esther and Celine

Hi, I don't know if you have made correction since the last time, but if you want to make some do them directly on the wiki, we trust you =P !! So maybe it could be good to see us this week!! See you!! Céline and Esther