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Monday part one

Monday part two

  • Plugin installation and configuration continued
  • Each student should identify the need for a plugin that will add some interactivity. See also homework project number 4.

Wednesday part one

Wednesday part two - Short mid term exam

The exam will last for 40 minutes. As requested, it will require you to edit a file. You are allowed to use the Internet. The main difficulty will be finishing it in time !!

Exam topics (I will pick among the following items):

(1) SQL

  • Creation of simple tables with integer and string fields
  • Inserting data into a single table with INSERT
  • Retrieving data with a WHERE CLAUSE
  • Killing a table
  • Defining a new user with all privileges for a database

(2) PHP (understand hw 2 code)

  • Assignments (creating a variable)
  • Associative arrays (e.g. $_POST)
  • Function definitions and calls
  • Super global variables ($_POST)
  • if-then-else clauses
  • Foreach loops
  • String concatenation that includes variables
  • Finding information obtained with phpinfo();
  • Finding a definition in the online manual
  • Creating instances and using methods

(3) Web servers

  • Configuration files for Apache and PHP (including finding "how to")
  • Log files (where are they ?)

Homework 4 (week 5)

Please write a comparative evaluation report for a plugin family.

  • Select a functionality that you need in your term project and look for Wordpress plugins. Remember that the term project requires strong interactivity, e.g. consider surveys, e-commerce systems, reservation systems, product reputation modules, forums, etc.
  • Find reviews on the Internet and identify the best candidates
  • Install at least two candidates (per candidate) and test these
  • Identify a list of plugin evaluation criteria that are important in your opinion (also check how the others did their reviews) and use them.
  • In this deliverable, summarize both information from the reviews (Cite) and your own experience

Make sure :

  • that this document is useful and understandable to anyone that is somewhat familiar with portalware installations (Include an introduction that explains the purpose of your portal and a conclusion that summarized your findings)
  • To look at other product reviews and cite them
  • Test and compare at least 2 plugins (of the same kind)
  • Define, justify/discuss criteria and use them
  • Include links to various software used.
  • Self-evaluate your report (what is missing, what could be improved if you had more resources to do it).


  • This homework counts double, i.e. the same as two homework


  • Upload to the Worldclassroom before Wednesday, week 6, 8:50am.

PS: No report about the report is required. However, you could shortly describe in your report how you made it, i.e add some sort of "methods" section.