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This extension is experimental for the moment - Daniel K. Schneider 19:02, 30 April 2009 (UTC).

There are problems with server overload. If your book is large you likely will loose between a third and half of the pages. Therefore, only create smaller books.

Genral user information

Basic help:

Further help:

General information:

For wiki maintainers

Bugs and feature requests:

Information about the collection extension and related server-side software

Installation notes

(I will move this at some point - Daniel K. Schneider)

  • The collection extension installs like any other Mediawiki extensions. Really easy with Mediawiki=> 1.14 (Spring 2009).
  • You then can just leave all the defaults and the PDF will be generated by PediaPress.

mwlib installation

(not needed if you have a fast server and want to use the pediapress server)

Made for Solaris


Install these if don't have them (usually you do)

  • Python => 2.5
  • Perl => 5
  • g++
  • Latex

Install Blahtexml

  • (not done so far)

Install setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg

sh setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg

Install python imaging library (PIL)

 python install

Install odfpy 0.7.0 (not 0.8.0)

python build
python install

Install rec2c

pkgadd -d re2c-0.13.5-sol10-sparc-local 

Install ocaml

pkgadd -d ocaml-3.10.2-sol10-sparc-local
Mwlib (installed with the tar ball, alternatively install mercurial)
 python install


easy_install mwlib && rehash
easy_install Pygments
Fribidi - both a library and the Python bindings
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install

(this is difficult to install)

 setenv fribidi_CFLAGS "-L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include"
 setenv fribidi_LIBS -lfribidi
make install

(not installed)

easy_install mwlib.rl

Alternatively from a tarball:

  • Is in your mediawiki installation
  • Compile with gmake it if not already done (needs ocaml, see above)
cd /XXX/mediawiki/math
  • Add the directory to the system path

(to do)


mw-render --config= --writer=rl --output=./flash-cs3.pdf Flash_CS3_desktop_tutorial


MW Serv provides a server interface for the mw-render engine and mw-zip.

Run the server
mw-serve --cache-dir=/data/mwcache/mwlibcache/ &
Tweaking the collection extension

Add in Localsettings.php (if not already done) the rendering engines you will support. Typing mw-render --list-writers will list the ones you installed. E.g.

$wgCollectionFormats = array(
          'rl' => 'PDF',
          'odf' => 'ODT',

Add in Localsettings.php if not already done the name and port of the server (altenatively you also could install a cgi script).

$wgCollectionMWServeURL = "http://xxx.yyy:8899";

Extra stuff:

$wgLicenseURL = "";
$wgCollectionMaxArticles = 100;

Problem: One ought to able to slow down the server. mw-render seems to have a prevision for reducing threads. But no parameter can be set in the mw extension itself.